
Your child discovers how to connect, cooperate, and collaborate, from you.  Take the innovative path.  Give your child access to the full depth and dimension of human experience.  They are learning for life.

Independence is an upward climb

Start your journey with a free session

"Before and After with RDI"

 "Dorene. What a lovely  documentary. I was laughing and crying at the same time because the relationship you have built, the work you have done, went straight to my heart." - Dr. Rachelle Sheely, President and Co-founder of RDIconnect Inc.
Dorene Short
RDI Consultant and Educator

Extreme Makeover

To what end?  This must be the question.  If we are going to spend our time, energy, and resources into our child’s growth, then we must begin with the end in mind.  Watch as a confused boy is transformed 14 years later into a confident explorer of his own  ideas.  This path of discovery of his own imagination and inspiration allows him to innovate his own problem solving. 

7 Things you can expect

Before taking any journey it is important to prepare.  And part of preparation is knowing what to expect.  Based on years of being a RDI parent, this video will walk you through the transformation you can expect from a program like no other. 


How does it work?

 Chasing after symptoms is not the answer.  If you want something to “work” – work at what?  What works has already been figured out by human development.   Get back on track, and discover that you can learn how to give your child access to the kind of learning that we are all designed to achieve.  The “rules” don’t change just because your child has autism.

What is RDI? – A Mother’s Tale

We must begin with the end in mind.  Relationship Development Intervention – RDI – educates and empowers parents with the abilities they will need to successfully guide their child toward independence. A Mother’s Tale, tells the story of hope and loss, of rediscovery and realization, of finding a program that is so much more than just another autism intervention. 

Learning to learn

When a child looks up to the parent it is an invitation to connect.  Human development has already decided that you are the guide.  You can guide your child in learning how to learn.

Learning to collaborate

When working with others your child discovers what it means to think in terms of “we”.  Making the micro adjustments and adapting to the “other” helps your child discover the value in learning to collaborate. 

Learning for life

Your child needs to build the ingenuity, flexibility, and adaptability, to become an effective problem solver.  This is the path to independence.  In today’s world, we are learning for life. 

Independence 4 Autism