My Family
When I look back on the incredible journey of my life; teaching, raising, and educating my children, bearing witness to the magic of what the human mind is capable of, I can’t help but feel a satisfying sense of hope for the future. This hope is not due to some kind of “wishful thinking” but from an experiential understanding that if you target the right things in the right way intrinsic growth and transformation is possible. And yes, I have a child with ASD. It was not always easy; nothing about parenting is, but once I acquired the capabilities to guide my child, to address his vulnerabilities, to set him on the path toward the kind of thinking we all need to navigate “real life”, my worrying ceased. This is why I want to bring RDI to other families.
A HUGE shout out to my incredible husband Duane and my daughter Olivia, whose commitment to Zach never wavered.