Program Details

Getting Started - No Fee

Before getting started it’s important that you and your family feel ready to take the journey.  This phase includes getting preliminary information and a contract talk.  I provide a free one hour consultation to answer any questions you may have. 

The Assessment - RDA

To develop a plan, the Relationship Development Assessment (RDA) is conducted.  The RDA is not a test, it is designed to capture the relationship capabilities between parent and child.

Orientation - The Nuts and Bolts

During this phase, families are supported in navigating the program, the curriculum, and how to design and record engagements with their child.  The RDI Learning Community is where families access the curriculum, interface with the consultant in posting and reviewing assignments, and connect with the broader RDI leaning community.

The Guiding Relationship - First Steps

During the first steps, parents are supported by focusing on parent objectives.  Through modeling and assignments, parents learn how to effectively guide their child’s learning.  Learning through the RDI Learning Community is on-going.  And most parents develop a guiding relationship within the first 6 months.

Developing RDI as a lifestyle

During the “lifestyle” phase, parents are demonstrating increased capabilities in designing and analyzing planned engagements.  Parents begin to generalize their learning in everyday moments.  Around this time, (usually 6 months to a year) hours may be reduced as the guiding relationship is in place.

Building Independence

As parents become more skilled, support from the consultant is decreased.  RDI becomes the parenting style usually within 1-2 years into the program.  Parents are feeling more independent in guiding their child.

Transitioning from the Consultant

Ultimately the family transitions from the consultant.  At this point parents are confident in planning their child’s next learning objectives independently.  Most parents, who maintained a strong commitment to the work, are ready to transition within three years.

Independence 4 Autism