Is He Ready?

… would be a great time for the kids to take on-line driving school classes.  And she said, Oh, Zach too?  And when I said yes, she followed with, Do you think he is ready?  It is interesting how a word that we use all the time, that seems so uncomplicated, can be so mysterious at the same time.  I’m mean how does one determine readiness?….

Before RDI

….. too much confusion with nothing to hold on to.  I knew I was drowning.  I felt flayed.  And I hated those feelings.  I started to hate all those mothers out there who had it so easy.  I started to hate a lot of things.  My vision became myopic.  And I thought to myself, This isn’t me….

What is "high Functioning"?

…..Spirit week, is basically a daily spectacle, but on this particular day, ASB was putting on an eating contest.  Next to each participant was a table plied high with cafeteria hamburgers (I know it’s gross).  I thought Janine was there to cover the contest for the school paper, but she approached the ASB “officials” and declared that she wanted to participate. And they let her……

The List

….So I took a risk, and I asked the Mom, “What’s going to happen when he is out and about in the world and he has no list?” Before Mom could even think it over, the behavioral specialist jumped in, “It’s called a list and I keep mine on my phone!” If I had the guts to push back in that moment, I would have said, “But WHO made your list?”….

A dogs tale

…And when you understand how to reinforce those survival “triggers”, then you can drive behavior. Facebook, Twitter, MadMen, they all know this. However, when Tinkerbell employs her learned behavior what is she learning about herself?….

My pen stopped working

…..Why the pen story? Because something as mundane as a pen running out of ink can be a conversation of how teaching children mostly static information can undermine their ability to develop dynamic ways of thinking…..

My 8 1/2 year old kindergartner

…..I decided to go for it. I remember wondering if there was some grand policy in the system that prevented such a move. I mean, who does this? Who enrolls and 8 1/2 year old as a kindergartner? But, then I thought, why not?…..

My kid is not special

 …..But, don’t they have the same needs as all kids do? Don’t all children crave to have meaning behind their learning? To be engaged, curious, imaginative, and involved in the learning process itself? To feel that they have something worthwhile to contribute?…..

A look at education

….It is important for educators and parents to understand that learning is not about making children fit into or respond to a predetermined mold. It is not about the acquisition of static skills. It should be about creating within the child a sense of self guidance; a sense of being self taught….

The self taught child

….I guess the reason children accomplish so much learning in those first five years is because they have the freedom to learn how they wish; to pursue learning situations that will give them what they need; what is relevant to them. I very often wonder, why we don’t trust a child’s ability to be active learning agents past a certain age….

The self taught child and autism

….It is hard to explain, but it’s kind of like having a child who is getting older, but not really growing up; not really achieving steps toward authentic independence like I described in the previous post. Of course, now it is clear why. It’s like the switch just never really turned on, or at least, not to full power….

Independence 4 Autism