Learning to collaborate


 It all starts with connection. Without connection there is no learning, and no relationship.  In this video, we will be taking a close look at emotional attunement; the bedrock of connection.  The child must experientially discover the value of being in-sync with themselves, others, and their world.  This can only happen if what occurs between you and your child is processed in meaningful ways.


 When two people connect, the quality of that connection rests on their ability to coordinate with each other.  Recognizing that each has a role to play, and something to contribute, is vital in laying the foundation for future relationships and future learning.


 As the child ages, they begin to understand that working together creates a heightened experience, and a willingness to cooperate.  In this video, we will look at examples of collaboration in motion to better understand how these important functions help the child think in terms of “we”. 

Independence 4 Autism